Presentação TotalCross

We are an Open Source SDK providing a fast and easy way to build beautiful User Interfaces for Embedded, IoT, mobile, desktop, everything.

We already have a few years on the market but we recently decided to go for an OpenSource license and impact the whole world. We want to be the most used (and loved) tool for creating embedded applications. Ideas and discussions about how we can do this together are super welcome. :)

We are a startup whose work is "Full Remote" and, because of that, we have employees in other countries. Written and spoken English at least at an intermediate level is required for all vacancies.

We have a culture focused on results, so knowing how to manage your time is important. We are totally remote, remember? :) We only demand punctuality when a meeting is scheduled.

We have good humor and like to talk lightly about things, even taking everything seriously.

Ah, and we have a branch in Portugal;)

Stack técnica

Dados de recrutamento de desenvolvedores na TotalCross

Nível de experiência buscado pela TotalCross


Tipo de contrato buscado pela TotalCross


Vagas abertas na TotalCross 0

TotalCross não possui atualmente nenhuma vaga ativa na plataforma de contractualisation de desenvolvedores ProgramaThor.