Presentação RDI Software

RDI was formed in 2010, yet the roots of the company have a 17 years history working with the largest fast food chains in the world. We serve our client's system as a strategic supplier to all restaurants, deploying in over 119 countries and over 35,000 locations worldwide. We provide software development, testing, deployment and support services for POS (point-of-sale) and related software applications that focus on the overall crew and customer experience, resulting in improved operations in the restaurants. Our Development Centers are in São Paulo (Brazil), Budapest and Debrecen (Hungary), as well as support centers (Centers of Excellence) in Australia, Europe, Japan, and the U.S.

Stack técnica

Benefícios para funcionários

Vale Refeição
Vale Alimentação
Vale Transporte
Plano de Saúde
Plano Odontológico
Seguro de Vida

Dados de recrutamento de desenvolvedores na RDI Software

Nível de experiência buscado pela RDI Software


Tipo de contrato buscado pela RDI Software


Alguns números


Vagas abertas na RDI Software 0

RDI Software não possui atualmente nenhuma vaga ativa na plataforma de contractualisation de desenvolvedores ProgramaThor.

Perguntas e respostas sobre RDI Software

A empresa RDI Software foi criada em 2010.