Presentação SimWorx Eng. R&D

Visão geral

SimWorx is an engineering company focused on research and development applied to a variety of Industries, addressing the assessment and application of R&D efforts focused on the industries needs.

SimWorx provides solutions that combines the tradition and reliability of Numerical Methods with the disruptiveness of AI based tools. Addresses its clients'​ challenges with a mix of Stochastic and Deterministic methodologies.

SimWorx solutions leave no room for subjectivities, establishing a decision process argumented by data analytics and numerical methodologies.


Petróleo e gás

Tamanho da empresa
11-50 funcionários

Inclui usuários com a empresa atual listada como SimWorx Eng. R&D, incluindo funções em meio período.

Campinas, SP

Fundada em

Scientific Software Development., Numerical Simulators., Numerical Methods - Finite Elements / Finite Volumes / Discontinuous Galerkin, Oil & Gas E&P Related., Reactive flow, Product and Process optimization., Geomechanics / Geotechnic, Mining / Infrastructure e Artificial Intelligence

Stack técnica

Benefícios para funcionários

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Plano Odontológico

Dados de recrutamento de desenvolvedores na SimWorx Eng. R&D

Nível de experiência buscado pela SimWorx Eng. R&D


Tipo de contrato buscado pela SimWorx Eng. R&D


Vagas abertas na SimWorx Eng. R&D 0

SimWorx Eng. R&D não possui atualmente nenhuma vaga ativa na plataforma de contractualisation de desenvolvedores ProgramaThor.