Presentação UL

Thousands of us around the world wake up every day with a common purpose: to make the world a safer, more secure and sustainable place. Science is in our DNA; we are endlessly curious and passionate about seeking and speaking the truth. We take delight in knowing that our work makes a meaningful contribution to society, and we are proud that our culture is centered on integrity, collaboration, inclusion and excellence. UL stands at the forefront of technological advancement, and we are continually challenged to find new ways to foster innovation and positive change. Satisfying? Yes. Exciting? Absolutely!

Stack técnica

Benefícios para funcionários

Vale Refeição
Vale Alimentação
Vale Transporte
Plano de Saúde
Plano Odontológico
Seguro de Vida

Dados de recrutamento de desenvolvedores na UL

Nível de experiência buscado pela UL


Tipo de contrato buscado pela UL


Alguns números


Vagas abertas na UL 0

UL não possui atualmente nenhuma vaga ativa na plataforma de contractualisation de desenvolvedores ProgramaThor.

Perguntas e respostas sobre UL

A empresa UL foi criada em 1998.