Presentação Pacífica Continental

G4 is a global recruitment firm dedicated to building strong connections between companies and talent worldwide. Through our solutions, we aim to share our passion and our ambition for growth, positively influencing the success of people and organizations.

With experience in over 120 locations, we pride ourselves in working with precision and knowledge in an array of industries. Always committed to continuously gaining industrial insight, we partner with a large number of multinational, local and startup companies around the globe.

No matter where we are, our purpose is to empower our clients, align our strategies with their goals and deliver the highest quality expertise. After all, we shape our reputation with the belief that we are only as strong as our successful connections and matches.

Stack técnica

Benefícios para funcionários

Vale Refeição
Vale Alimentação
Vale Transporte
Plano de Saúde
Plano Odontológico
Seguro de Vida

Dados de recrutamento de desenvolvedores na Pacífica Continental

Nível de experiência buscado pela Pacífica Continental


Tipo de contrato buscado pela Pacífica Continental


Alguns números


Vagas abertas na Pacífica Continental 0

Pacífica Continental não possui atualmente nenhuma vaga ativa na plataforma de contractualisation de desenvolvedores ProgramaThor.

Perguntas e respostas sobre Pacífica Continental

A empresa Pacífica Continental foi criada em 2012.