Presentação Metrobi

Our Video:

Metrobi is a VC-backed startup and alumni of Techstars Boston, one of the leading accelerators in the USA.

We power deliveries for local food and beverage businesses in Boston and New York. Our technology is at the center of our delivery marketplace.

Why should you join Metrobi?

- International team experience.
- We're well funded, and we offer competitive compensation.
- Scalable technology stack built on AWS and Firebase.
- A codebase that you'll enjoy contributing. Clean code with almost no technical debt.

Stack técnica

Dados de recrutamento de desenvolvedores na Metrobi

Nível de experiência buscado pela Metrobi


Tipo de contrato buscado pela Metrobi


Vagas abertas na Metrobi 0

Metrobi não possui atualmente nenhuma vaga ativa na plataforma de contractualisation de desenvolvedores ProgramaThor.