Vaga Mobile

Desenvolvedor Android

Android C C++

Family 24h

Family 24h


Salário: Até R$15.000

Aceito candidatos dispostos a se mudar

Descrição da empresa

Family 24h's vision is to create the world's first virtual network powered by what we call the best available spectrum. By leveraging on third party device connection we create a collaborative, cost-free web on top of which we may offer a series of consumer and enterprise products, connecting everyone and everything. With virtually no cost and infrastructure barriers and massive improvement in performance, Family 24h opens the doors to the next level of broad-reaching connections and location-based services.

Our mission is to use these technologies to attend to humanity's most pressing issues, starting with nothing less than our need for personal safety. It is only by removing the concern for the most fundamental physiological needs of safety and survival that we may focus on the more humanistic endeavors of collaboration, development and self-realization. We believe it is possible to reach this goal by leveraging on accelerating technologies and interpersonal relationships.

Atividades e Responsabilidades

Responsável por análises técnicas, funcionais e implantação de soluções para aplicação Mobile Android utilizando NDK native development kit (C / C++).


Experiência com integração de API REST e controle de Versão - GIT.
Ter conhecimento em NDK (native development kit).
Desejável conhecimentos em Bluetooth.