Vaga Full Stack

Developer C++

SCRUM Testes unitários C++

T-Systems do Brasil

T-Systems do Brasil

Grande empresa

Localização: São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

Salário: Até R$15.000

Aceito candidatos dispostos a se mudar

Descrição da empresa

Multinacional de serviços de Tecnologia da Informação

Atividades e Responsabilidades

• Senior personality, which can handle time pressure and other project obstacles
• Capable of and has experience in, taking care of other developers
• Excellent and fluent English skills
• More than 5 years (senior) of experience in the role developer in C++
• Templayer with agile mindset
•Open and communicative personality
•Strong motivation and understanding of complex technical requirements


Inglês intermediário/avançado
Alemão será considerado diferencial

• Strong knowledge and experience in SCRUM
• Experience in setup of a development tool chain
• Knowledge in automotive embedded architecture
• Advanced Knowledge in Unit-Tests and Test-Automation
• Optional: Knowledge in ECU programming, AUTOSAR, Automotive Development process (A-SPICE)
• Optional: Knowledge in ISO 26262
• Optional: Knowledge in AUTOSAR C++ 14 Coding Rules, MISRA C++ 2008 Guidelines
• Optional: Security Knowledge in High Integrity C++ (HIC++) Coding Standard, SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard

O que nós oferecemos

Vale Refeição
Vale Transporte
Plano de Saúde
Plano Odontológico
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