Vaga Full Stack

Clojure Software Engineer

AWS RDS (Relational Database Service) Clojure SQL

Flow Finance

Flow Finance


Salário: Até R$18.000

Aceito candidatos dispostos a se mudar

Descrição da empresa

Estamos criando a próxima geração de plataformas bancárias.

Somos uma fintech em crescimento. Estamos criando uma “toolbox” para empresas automatizarem a análise e distribuição de crédito, criando experiências de usuário jamais vistas no Brasil e possibilitando o open banking.

Temos uma estrutura remota, enxuta e horizontal.

Detestamos reuniões que poderiam ser um e-mail. Gastamos o mínimo de tempo possível com calls e temos mais tempo para criar, testar e aprender.

Sobre tecnologia, somos apaixonados por linguagem funcional e utilizamos Clojure em praticamente tudo que fazemos. É a sua primeira vez com a linguagem? A gente te ajuda.

Atividades e Responsabilidades

What We Are Looking For:

We're looking for a self-driven Full Stack Developer who is eager to dive deep into functional programming. You will be involved in a full cycle of product development: architecture, coding, maintaining and testing. We don't expect you to be familiar with Clojure, but you have to be curious and ready to learn. If you are up for the challenge, we are here to help with learning materials, pair programming and regular code reviews. If you are an experienced functional developer or Lisper that would like to work with Clojure, even better! Our ideal match loves learning new technologies, wants to make rock-solid solutions and is fueled by challenge.

- Clojure

- React
- shadow-cljs

- Ring
- Reitit
- Luminus

- Postgres
- Aurora

Providers cloud:
- AWS (dynamodb, sqs, sns, api gateway, rds, lambda...)

- Twelve-Factor App
- Cloud native
- Domain Driven Design
- Event sourcing
- Event driven

- Datadog
- Coralogix

- Practices of constant software delivery in production, either through code versioning practices like gitflow or through pipelines, for example.


Your profile:

- 2+ years of experience in web development.
- Ability to develop features from scratch independently.
- Confident with frontend and backend code.
- Expertise in the React ecosystem.
- Interested in or have experience with functional programming.
- Self-motivated and organized.
- Experience with relational database systems and design.

Nice to have but not required:

- Bachelor’s or advanced degree in CS/Engineering/Mathematics or related field.
- Experience with functional languages (ex. Clojure, Scala, Haskell, Erlang, Elixir, Ocaml).
- Understanding of JVM internals.
- We love and use Clojure across the stack, so if you're into functional programming or lisps, we'll be off to a flying start. It is absolutely not a requirement though, so please do not be put off if this is not part of your toolset right now.

Flow Finance

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